The Cyri Carrd

Ok I really don't care much about this so instead of making this about my likes I'm gonna save your time. This is DO NOT INTERACT (DNI) LIST

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Do not interact with this twitter user IF:
You main Ezreal
You stan literally anything in any capacity, you are literally all annoying I don't want to type to you and I doubt you want to type to me.
You are pedo/ retweet loli and/or shota I dont wanna see Kanna's pussy in my TL tyvmYou are apart of genshintwt (see point 2) you niggas (as a collective) are all annoying and I don't want to see any discourse about thatYou are political past the point of irony, while yes I have my own politics you people are insufferable with gated community mindsets I don't wanna see that bro. I don't care that you want an ethno-state and I don't care that you wanna revive the USSR.

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Do not interact with this twitter user IF:
You're unironically racist, its not 2016 so it isnt cool anymore :Madge:
You're transphobic, nigga nobody cares that you dont wanna date trans people and I dont wanna see "41% YWNBAW" in my TL"
You're homophobic, if you read the other two you get the jistYou engage in tumblr tier discourse, we both know what that means

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Do not interact with this twitter user IF:
You use keymash beyond irony, nigga no way anyone is laughing
You come to this twitter user because of what someone who follows me did, 9/10 im gonna agree with them and not care.

FAQ (The Critical Information)

Q: Does this mean you're sensitive and don't want to interact with different opinions?

A: No I'm just trying to not waste your time talking to twitter user: CyriInfil

Q: You must have a fat block list then huh?

A: I don't block people, as said before, I'm just trying to save your time to make sure we both have a great time on this giant space rock :smile:

Q: I have one of these qualities, does this mean you'll block me on site?

A: Other than the pedo and loli/shota one, this is just here to save your time, you can still interact if you really want to.
Q: How do I go back to the main page?
A: Idk just click the link again
Q: I have none of these qualities, now what?
A: Follow twitter user: CyriInfil